On day of the dead we watched a video. The video showed what people did, such as cooking food, decoratin graves and just all being together. One day we made sugar skulls, people in Mexico made the same things except theirs could move and stuff. I think the video was really cool, it showed us how to cook certain stuff. I think it would be amazing to celebrate day of the dead and actually participate in it. I didn't like that they only celebrated it for two days. In our culture when someone dies we just have a funeral for them. During day of the dead they celebrate two days, we don't ever just like decorate graves as much as they do. When a family member dies that actual year, somebody in that family has to let people come to their house to pay their respects. The people make an altar the altar has flowers and pictures on it. The people dress up and Day of the dead is on November 1st and 2nd. The altar can also have candels, guitars or whatever else the people liked when they were alive. We also had cutout little skeletons and colored them. I liked that we made sugar skulls, and making the skeletons. During day of the dead I think people have parades. Day of the dead is celebrated in Mexico, Ecuador, and in our Spanish I class. I think I would start making sugar skulls every November 1st and 2nd now. I like how people just went to that person's house and took food and payed their respects. The first day was for children and the second day was for the adults.